Sect Bot Premium
The premium version of the Sect bot comes with specific perks:
12 calls per user in a 24-hour span, doubling the capacity compared to the free version.
Customizable button ads: As a group owner, you can set and modify ads any way you wish, with no ads coming from us.
No Broadcast ads: Your group will be free from broadcast ads, ensuring a cleaner user experience.
Customizable minimum market cap & liquidity for calls: This allows for better quality control of the calls shared within your group.
Leaderboard settings: Tailor the leaderboard to fit the specific needs and preferences of your group.
Exclusive separate channel: A dedicated channel for your group that filters calls from the general chatter in your main group and stores them.
Sect Bot offers lifetime access to its premium features for a one-time fee of 0.2 ETH. To purchase, go to the /payment menu of Sect Leaderboard Bot:
Last updated